

Tri-State Retrofitters was founded in 1989 by Johnny K Riley.

It is a family owned and operated business. We mainly install Automatic Seismic Earthquake valves on homes being sold in Culver City, Santa Monica and the greater Los Angeles area. 

Johnny is a Master Plumber and a Certified Retrofitter by the city of Los Angeles. Tri-State Retrofitters has a C-36 California Contractors Plumbing License. We are also Bonded & Insured.

We also strap Hot Water Heaters, Install Carbon and Smoke alarms and install a safety film on Sliding glass patio doors. Your toilets need to be 1.28 gpf or 1.6 gpf. If not you would need to have your plumber install those before the close of escrow. We recommend Todd Heflin - Heflin & Son Plumbing & Heating, Inc.(310) 670-2404 Contractors License #202227 Established 1950.

E-mail us at TriStateRetrofitters@gmail.com or send us a Text 310-286-2890 to schedule your custom Retrofit inspection. 

                              Johnny K Riley

is a Real Estate Broker and has a Free Real Estate Agent Referral Service TeamRiley.com

P.O. BOX 3781 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 (310) 286-2890 Tri-StateRetrofitters@gmail.com
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